
Command Line Tool

Xreshaper provides a convenient command line tool via xreshaper-run:

$ xreshaper-run --help
Usage: xreshaper-run [OPTIONS]

--version                Show the version and exit.
--engine TEXT            Engine to use when reading/writing files.
                        [default: netcdf4]
--input-directory TEXT   Directory in which time-slices files are located
                        [default: ]
--output-directory TEXT  Directory in which time-series files will be saved
                        [default: ]
--output-prefix TEXT     String prefix for all output files.  The output
                        file will be named according to the rule:
                        output_prefix + variable_name + output_suffix
                        [default: tseries.]
--output-suffix TEXT     String suffix for all output files.  The output
                        file will be named according to the rule:
                        output_prefix + variable_name + output_suffix
                        [default: .nc]
--help                   Show this message and exit.