Contributing to xreshaper

Contributions are highly welcomed and appreciated. Every little help counts, so do not hesitate!

The following sections cover some general guidelines regarding development in xreshaper for maintainers and contributors. Nothing here is set in stone and can’t be changed. Feel free to suggest improvements or changes in the workflow.

Feature requests and feedback

Do you like xreshaper? Share some love on Twitter or in your blog posts!

We’d also like to hear about your propositions and suggestions. Feel free to submit them as issues and:

  • Explain in detail how they should work.
  • Keep the scope as narrow as possible. This will make it easier to implement.

Report bugs

Report bugs for xreshaper in the issue tracker.

If you are reporting a bug, please include:

  • Your operating system name and version.
  • Any details about your local setup that might be helpful in troubleshooting, specifically the Python interpreter version, installed libraries, and xreshaper version.
  • Detailed steps to reproduce the bug.

If you can write a demonstration test that currently fails but should pass (xfail), that is a very useful commit to make as well, even if you cannot fix the bug itself.

Fix bugs

Look through the GitHub issues for bugs.

Talk to developers to find out how you can fix specific bugs.

Write documentation

xreshaper could always use more documentation. What exactly is needed?

  • More complementary documentation. Have you perhaps found something unclear?
  • Docstrings. There can never be too many of them.
  • Blog posts, articles and such – they’re all very appreciated.

You can also edit documentation files directly in the GitHub web interface, without using a local copy. This can be convenient for small fixes.


Build the documentation locally with the following command:

$ conda env update -f ci/environment-dev-3.7.yml
$ cd docs
$ make html

The built documentation should be available in the docs/_build/.

Preparing Pull Requests

  1. Fork the xreshaper GitHub repository. It’s fine to use xreshaper as your fork repository name because it will live under your user.

  2. Clone your fork locally using git and create a branch:

    $ git clone
    $ cd xreshaper
    # now, to fix a bug or add feature create your own branch off "master":
    $ git checkout -b your-bugfix-feature-branch-name master

    If you need some help with Git, follow this quick start guide:

  3. Install pre-commit and its hook on the xreshaper repo:

    $ pip install --user pre-commit
    $ pre-commit install

    Afterwards pre-commit will run whenever you commit. is a framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks to ensure code-style and code formatting is consistent.

  4. Install dependencies into a new conda environment:

    $ conda env update -f ci/environment-dev-3.7.yml
  5. Run all the tests

    Now running tests is as simple as issuing this command:

    $ conda activate xreshaper-dev
    $ pytest --junitxml=test-reports/junit.xml --cov=./

    This command will run tests via the “pytest” tool against Python 3.7.

  6. You can now edit your local working copy and run the tests again as necessary. Please follow PEP-8 for naming.

    When committing, pre-commit will re-format the files if necessary.

  7. Commit and push once your tests pass and you are happy with your change(s):

    $ git commit -a -m "<commit message>"
    $ git push -u
  8. Create a new changelog entry in changelog. The file should be named <issueid>.<type>, where issueid is the number of the issue related to the change and type is one of bugfix, removal, feature, doc or trivial.

  9. Add yourself to AUTHORS file if not there yet, in alphabetical order.

  10. Finally, submit a pull request through the GitHub website using this data:

    head-fork: YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME/xreshaper
    compare: your-branch-name
    base-fork: NCAR/xreshaper
    base: master          # if it's a bugfix or feature